Hey, I'm Landon!

About Me

I've been interested in computer science for as long as I can remember. Growing up, my father – an electrical engineer – had a home office filled with electronics and computers. Although I had no idea what all of those gadgets did, I was fascinated by them. My father would explain to me how he could control industrial machines with the components in his office and show me circuit diagrams and programs printed out on paper. As a kid, most of this went right over my head, but I was eager to learn more.

I started teaching myself how to program by watching tutorials on YouTube. I began by learning HTML and building a very basic website that displayed some pictures. From there, I moved on to batch scripting and even made a simple text game. I also attended a few robotics summer camps where I built small lego robots that could follow a line and avoid obstacles. I even learned how to use an Arduino microcontroller and program it in C with the help of a neighborhood friend.

By the time I reached high school, I knew that my career path would be in computer science. I took the only computer science class offered at my school, an introduction to JavaScript, and was excited to see what I'd learn in college. Now, as a senior at the University of Maine in Orono, I'm pursuing a Bachelor's of Science in Computer Science with a minor in Computer Engineering. My skills and interests are constantly growing, and I'm excited to begin my career and see where it takes me.


Programming Languages

  • Python
  • C
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Verilog
  • Lisp

Libraries & Fameworks

  • React
  • Node.js
  • Vue.js
  • Nuxt.js
  • Jest
  • Pandas
  • TensorFlow
  • Keras

Software Tools

  • Git
  • GitHub
  • Visual Studio Code
  • JetBrains IDEs
  • Docker
  • DigitalOcean
  • Google Firebase
  • Netlify
  • Microsoft Office
  • Virtual Box
  • VMware Workstation

Relavant Courses

  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Intro to Software Engineering
  • Intro to Artificial Intelligence
  • Cloud Computing
  • Network Engineering
  • Sequential Logic Systems
  • Embedded Systems
  • Discrete Structures
  • Capstone


Portfolio Website

This is the second version of my portfolio website, built using Vue.js and Chakra UI. I wanted to create something that would set me apart from other students and job applicants, so I decided to build a portfolio website that showcases my skills and abilities.

Before building the first version of my portfolio website, I had no experience in web development. However, I was eager to learn and took the initiative to teach myself HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Within a few weeks, I was able to start work on the first version of my portfolio using React.js. Although I had no prior web development experience, I was happy with the results and proud to show my portfolio to potential employers and colleagues.

Capstone Project

Over the course of two semesters, I worked with a team of four other students to design, build, and deliver an interactive web application for a client. Our project was guided by the principles of the software development lifecycle (SDLC), and we meticulously documented each phase from initial design and requirement gathering to final delivery and maintenance.

We were tasked with interfacing a user-friendly front-end, built using Typescript, React, and Vite, with the client's Oracle database via Sequelize, an Object-Relational Mapping tool. Our initial mandate was to focus on front-end development, with the understanding that the back-end infrastructure was already in place.

Nginx on DigitalOcean

For my final project in Network Engineering, I had the opportunity to gain practical experience with DigitalOcean, a leading cloud infrastructure provider. I successfully set up and hosted a reverse proxy server on a DigitalOcean droplet, leveraging an Nginx server. The server was meticulously configured to serve a replica of my portfolio site via a dedicated subdomain.

This project involved multiple stages and showcased my proficiency in various aspects of network engineering, in addition to deepening my practical understanding of DigitalOcean's services. The first step involved setting up and configuring an Nginx webserver on the DigitalOcean droplet. I ensured that it was correctly configured to handle incoming traffic and requests efficiently, thus setting the foundation for the remaining stages of the project.

Verilog Implementation of Pong

For my final project in my Sequential Logic Systems course at university, my partner and I successfully developed a functional rendition of the classic game of Pong using Verilog, ultimately implementing it on an Altera FPGA. This project provided a robust exploration into the practical applications of our learned concepts in the course, encapsulating the essence of digital design and hardware programming.

We were given foundational modules to accurately manage VGA monitor output and CPU timings, and we built upon this foundation by creating the core game logic ourselves. My key contributions lay in designing the play area and crafting the visual elements of the game, which included the ball and the paddles. Not only did I create the visual components, but I also wrote the logical elements that governed their interaction within the play area. This involved designing the movement of the ball, as well as the detection of collisions between the ball, paddles, and the edges of the game area.

Connecting PS/2 Keyboard to Raspberry Pi over GPIO

In my Embedded Systems course at the University of Maine, I undertook an intriguing project to connect a PS/2 keyboard to a Raspberry Pi through the General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pins. This project was an exploration into the realms of hardware interfacing, device drivers, and real-time programming in an embedded context.

The central component of the project was a C program that I wrote, which read the scan codes from the keyboard and decoded these inputs to display the corresponding characters on the terminal. This program demonstrated my proficiency in low-level programming and understanding of keyboard interfacing protocols.


University Capstone Project

University of Maine

September 2022 - May 2023

As part of my Computer Science degree, I completed a capstone project in my final year. I worked in a group of 5 to develop a web application for a client on campus. The application was designed to allow users to create and download their own fantasy creatures, as well as view the collection of creatures stored on the clients database. I was responsible for designing and implementing the creature creator as well as the PDF download functionality. I also contributed to the overall design of the application

Your responsibilities:

  • Developed a frontend creature creation and viewing tool for a client's existing database of fantasy creatures
  • Used a CI/CD workflow to efficiently and effectively develop and deploy the product
  • Gained experience in communicating with a client and managing expectations

Greenhouse Associate


May 2021 - August 2021

At Estabrook's, I served in a Greenhouse Retail Sales position. My role involved tending to a variety of plants, including watering and pruning duties, as well as restocking the greenhouses as necessary. I frequently interacted with customers, assisting them with their questions and providing advice on plant care and maintenance. My position required strong customer service skills and the ability to work independently, both of which I was able to demonstrate consistently throughout my tenure.

Your responsibilities:

  • Watered and pruned plants, stocked the greenhouses, and assisted customers with queries
  • Demonstrated strong customer service skills and ability to work independently
  • Gained knowledge of plant care and maintenance.

Hardlines Team Member


September 2017 - January 2021

At Target, I was a General Merchandise Team Member where my responsibilities included managing inventory through organizing shelves and restocking items. I frequently assisted customers with inquiries and guided them to the products they were looking for, demonstrating my commitment to delivering high-quality customer service. Working as part of a diverse team, I helped maintain a smoothly running sales floor and contributed to creating a positive store environment

Your responsibilities:

  • Responsible for stocking items, organizing shelves, and assisting customers
  • Demonstrated strong customer service skills and the ability to multitask
  • Contributed to a positive team dynamic.


PCEP - Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer

Issued by: Python Institute

Issued on: 2023-05-31

Certificate ID: Egck.orhM.Yx2f

View certificate

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